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Tora Çand û Hûnera Kurdî

linguistic diversity, Kurdish culture, cultural preservation, artistic expression
linguistic studies, theatre, cinema


Tora Çand û Hûnera Kurdî* has a twofold mission. First, they aim to counteract the threats and censorship faced by Kurdish cultural institutions, seeking to create a united front and amplify their demands through collaboration. With the support of VAHA, they aim to expand their influence across Turkey and Europe. Second, they plan to standardise Kurdish culture and art terminology, opening new avenues for cultural production and creative activities. The hub will focus on a terminology study in five languages, Kurdish Cinema Days, and Kurdish Theatre Days. These endeavours will spark discussions on linguistic diversity, cultural preservation, and artistic expression, enriching public discourse and understanding. Ultimately, they will invigorate the cultural landscape of the Kurdish region.

*Kurdish Culture and Arts Network
Mesopotamia Foundation
The Mesopotamia Foundation was established in 2013 by 300 people who have different professions, including academics, specialists and NGO actors. The foundation's purpose is to protect the cultures of the people in the Mesopotamia region, especially to contribute to the assurance of the right to learn their mother tongue and education. The Foundation focuses on activities such as establishing a multilingual university based on multiculturalism, and conducting research and publications on Mesopotamian languages and cultures. Furthermore, the foundation conducts research and advocacy activities for the protection of the cultures. The Foundation carries out its current activities under four categories: Language, Culture & Art, Seminars & Panels, and Advocacy.
Mesopotamia Foundation
The Mesopotamia Foundation was established in 2013 by 300 people who have different professions, including academics, specialists and NGO actors. The foundation's purpose is to protect the cultures of the people in the Mesopotamia region, especially to contribute to the assurance of the right to learn their mother tongue and education. The Foundation focuses on activities such as establishing a multilingual university based on multiculturalism, and conducting research and publications on Mesopotamian languages and cultures. Furthermore, the foundation conducts research and advocacy activities for the protection of the cultures. The Foundation carries out its current activities under four categories: Language, Culture & Art, Seminars & Panels, and Advocacy.
Middle East Cinema Academy Association
The association was founded in 2012 to organise civil society-based activities in the field of cinema. In the context of culture and art activities that have been institutionalised and developed in recent years, especially in the region, the association has been working on cinema-based, cinema training in the mother tongue, production, distribution and screening, and festival organisation. Multilingualism, cultural richness, gender, ecology, women's authenticity, and bridging between cultures have been determined as the basic principles. In today's conditions, due to social and intercommunal inequality, individuals who want to produce in cultural and artistic fields cannot meet the necessary needs.
Middle East Cinema Academy Association
The association was founded in 2012 to organise civil society-based activities in the field of cinema. In the context of culture and art activities that have been institutionalised and developed in recent years, especially in the region, the association has been working on cinema-based, cinema training in the mother tongue, production, distribution and screening, and festival organisation. Multilingualism, cultural richness, gender, ecology, women's authenticity, and bridging between cultures have been determined as the basic principles. In today's conditions, due to social and intercommunal inequality, individuals who want to produce in cultural and artistic fields cannot meet the necessary needs.
Amed City Theatre
Since 2017, Amed City Theatre has filled a huge gap in the field of independent and alternative theatre not only inDiyarbakır but also in the region. Through culture and art, it has contributed to the coming together of citizens, especially young people, to discuss freely, to produce content and activities, to express themselves, and, as a result, to the use of Kurdish in the artistic field, to the development of democratic citizenship and democracy. In 2020, it built a 150-seat theatre centre with the contributions of the audience, professional chambers, theatre groups, and art support institutions such as EED and Goethe Institute. In 1 year, our productions reached an average of 8000 spectators.
Amed City Theatre
Since 2017, Amed City Theatre has filled a huge gap in the field of independent and alternative theatre not only inDiyarbakır but also in the region. Through culture and art, it has contributed to the coming together of citizens, especially young people, to discuss freely, to produce content and activities, to express themselves, and, as a result, to the use of Kurdish in the artistic field, to the development of democratic citizenship and democracy. In 2020, it built a 150-seat theatre centre with the contributions of the audience, professional chambers, theatre groups, and art support institutions such as EED and Goethe Institute. In 1 year, our productions reached an average of 8000 spectators.

Expectations from Transnational Exchange

International collaborations play a pivotal role in advancing the mission of Tora Çand û Hûnera Kurdî, given the formidable challenges posed by the severe repression and censorship of Kurdish culture, language, and arts. In the face of these obstacles, transnational cooperation facilitated by the VAHA program becomes a crucial tool for combatting oppression and amplifying the impact of cultural initiatives. By fostering partnerships with institutions in Europe, our hub aims to transcend the destructive consequences of cultural and political tensions in the region. These collaborations not only enhance the visibility of our work but also serve as a powerful means to mitigate the isolating effects of repression, fostering a collective resilience against adversities faced by Kurdish cultural institutions.