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HubME2 - Mersin Edge Effect

Community development / Freedom of expression / Public space / Memory / Environment / Sustainability / Creative economy / Circular economy
Urban studies / Community arts / Research / Urban culture / Community gardening / Visual arts

Phase 1

The hub wants to develop the edge effect that the team already enjoys and offers with enlarging their networks on three different scales. Mersin Yabanları (Garden of Mersin Wilds) developed their local food and compost community by introducing new instruments of collecting and composting while D5 reached out to national partners by study visits and collective activities to new partners and towards new domains. Finally, Kültürhane enriched its international contacts and collaborations to offer insights and projects from beyond Turkey by offering new online content produced in cooperation with other VAHA peers and other international partners. Therefore, in the first phase, the hub developed the local ecological community, national network of arts and international cultural exchanges.

Kültürhane is a cafe with a rich library hosting various events and/or producing online content on a large scope of domains.
Kültürhane is a cafe with a rich library hosting various events and/or producing online content on a large scope of domains. It aims at producing and sharing new and popular knowledge in a para-academic way by avoiding the traditional hierarchy of experts and professors. Events that Kültürhane offers do not take place as presentations or lectures, but as occasions of collective reflection and deliberation. The hybridity is at the heart of this ambition by mixing different uses of the physical space, various domains of knowledge and a scope of performative practices.
D5 Art Environment
D5 Art Environment (D5 Sanat Ortamı) is a collective that sees all approaches of contemporary art as a partner and values the venue itself.
D5 Art Environment
D5 Art Environment (D5 Sanat Ortamı) is a collective that sees all approaches of contemporary art as a partner and values the venue itself. It is built on the past national and international experiences, city-related productions of the Mersin Art Collective and Carbon Collective. Its goal is to take active roles as a participant in local social interaction environments. It conducts local and national projects with young artists, reaches disadvantaged people and undertakes artistic sharing with them. D5 Art Environment aims to create a more frequent network with urban components and a dialogue environment with regional extensions.
Garden of Mersin Wilds
Garden of Mersin Wilds (Mersin Yabanları) is an olive and vegetable producing small garden working within regenerative farming principles.
Garden of Mersin Wilds
Garden of Mersin Wilds (Mersin Yabanları) is an olive and vegetable producing small garden working within regenerative farming principles and willing to share these principles with a larger community. To this aim, it produces mainly for and with a local food community, named ÇİTTA (Çukurova Workshops for Seed, Soil and Humans). It is dedicated not only to produce in regenerative farming but also share its practices with the group members. These practices have two main pillars: first, growing the knowledge of food production; second, increasing the awareness related to the importance of composting and the knowledge related to its methods.

Phase 2

Composting for Peace

in collaboration with Belgrade and Nicosia hubs

Composting for Peace is a joint project held by three hubs from different countries, as Belgrade, Mersin and Nicosia Hubs from Serbia, Turkey and Cyprus, consecutively. The mutual attempt in this project is to develop a mutual understanding between different disciplines and learn from each other with the scope of peacebuilding via artistic and cultural activities. All the three hubs have different perspectives on peacebuilding and its enablers; and the joint project is designated to inspect, explore and disseminate the answers that are being looked for to merge art, culture, ecology and the interlinking topics between these disciplines.

The joint project aims to develop mechanisms that help to generate learnings for the future of the ideas and intentions behind VAHA, which can be summarized as establishing new zones that could help arts, culture and civil society to grow in disadvantageous places and zones. Composting for Peace aims for creating opportunities, while rendering its base as a sustainable and prolonging utility for further activities.


On Art: Michael Önder

Round I

Circular Art Conversations: Şeref Erol

Round I

Artist Portfolios: Bengisu Muazzez Kurtuluş

Round I

Composting Peace - Mersin TR

COLLABORATION OF Belgrade Hub Mersin Hub Nicosia Hub
Round I

Composting Peace - Nicosia

COLLABORATION OF Belgrade Hub Mersin Hub Nicosia Hub
Round I

Circular Art Conversations: Gülşah Mursaloğlu

Round I

Artist Portfolios: Melih Apa

Round I