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Community development / Migration / Conflict resolution / Freedom of expression / Civic rights / Human rights / Discrimination / Political engagement / Public space / Memory
Music / Performing arts / Film & cinema / Urban studies / Research / Heritage / Community arts / Theater / Animation

Phase 1

DIVAN Hub brings together cultural workers, community workers, artists, and all those working on social change in the community, giving them the competencies to use art in their work, address important social issues and create tailor-made programs to work in community. The hub actively communicates with the wider community, gathering information on social problems and needs through workshops, mini-surveys and other tools, trying to offer solutions to mapped problems.

Art Aparat
Art Aparat was founded in 2015 by a group of artists, educators and researchers in the field of culture, with an aim of creating positive change in the society through music.
Art Aparat

Art Aparat was founded in 2015 by a group of artists, educators and researchers in the field of culture, with an aim of creating positive change in the society through music. In its projects, music is used as a powerful tool for learning, psycho-social support and social integration. Since the establishment, Art Aparat worked mostly with vulnerable groups - Roma children and youth, youth with behavioural problems, youth from the refugee population, but also elderly population and general population in the times of stress and crisis.

Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR)
BCHR's mission is to strengthen and develop democracy, to improve theory, legislation and practice in the area of human rights, and to contribute to the development of civil society.
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR)

BCHR is a non-profit organization, established in 1995. Its mission is to strengthen and develop democracy, to improve theory, legislation and practice in the area of human rights, and to contribute to the development of civil society. The Youth Program of BCHR is a significant actor in the field of non-formal education and youth work in Serbia. It conducted hundreds of workshops, training, and seminars for youth, youth workers and educators, with the expertise in working with vulnerable youth. The program published the first report on youth rights in Serbia, in 2019.

Philopolitics is an independent research center established to explore political, social and cultural alternatives to create peaceful, just and inclusive societies.

Philopolitics is an independent research center established to explore political, social and cultural alternatives and models that would contribute to greater civic participation, solidarity and dignity of individuals and groups in order to create peaceful, just and inclusive societies. The association was founded in 2017 in Belgrade and deals with the issue of the (post) colonial situation, the relationship between space, aesthetics and politics, as well as research projects in the field of social anthropology and urbanism.

Phase 2

Composting for Peace

in collaboration with Mersin and Nicosia hubs

Composting for Peace is a joint project held by three hubs from different countries, as Belgrade, Mersin and Nicosia Hubs from Serbia, Turkey and Cyprus, consecutively. The mutual attempt in this project is to develop a mutual understanding between different disciplines and learn from each other with the scope of peacebuilding via artistic and cultural activities. All the three hubs have different perspectives on peacebuilding and its enablers; and the joint project is designated to inspect, explore and disseminate the answers that are being looked for to merge art, culture, ecology and the interlinking topics between these disciplines.

The joint project aims to develop mechanisms that help to generate learnings for the future of the ideas and intentions behind VAHA, which can be summarized as establishing new zones that could help arts, culture and civil society to grow in disadvantageous places and zones. Composting for Peace aims for creating opportunities, while rendering its base as a sustainable and prolonging utility for further activities.