We feel gratitude to our meeting host Antalya’s VOYN! Hub, our participants and our local contacts for this splendid gathering under Çıralı’s orange trees, after many months of connecting only through our screens.
Here is a selection of photos from those wonderful days in Çıralı!
VAHA Scale-up Meeting in Çıralı
VAHA hubs came together in Çıralı, Antalya between 11-15 November 2021 for the first time in person since the VAHA programme started in Autumn 2020.
During our Scale-up Meeting, the participants from 13 VAHA hubs developed and fine-tuned their international and regional collaboration projects with the support of VAHA coordination team and hubs’ local contacts, and explored new ways of collaboration and peer-to-peer exchanges. We also paid a cultural visit to Chimera (Yanartaş in Turkish), a sloping rock area which houses continually burning natural gas flames in the hills behind the north end of the Çıralı beach.We feel gratitude to our meeting host Antalya’s VOYN! Hub, our participants and our local contacts for this splendid gathering under Çıralı’s orange trees, after many months of connecting only through our screens.
Here is a selection of photos from those wonderful days in Çıralı!