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Words Written on the Water: FeqîFest Booklet

Wêjegeh Amed published a booklet which introduces the life of classical Kurdish poet Feqîyê Teyran and the vision and mission of FeqîFest, an art, culture and nature festival.

You can download the booklet through this link. (In Kurdish, Turkish and English)

The Diyarbakır Hub I’s project “Words Written on the Water” included preparatory productions of an art, culture and nature festival, with artists and initiatives from Diyarbakır and different geographies, aiming to have a place in the urban memory of Diyarbakır and to carry Kurdish language, culture and art out into the world. 

The festival aims to enmesh the VAHA ecosystem to the Kurdish artistic and cultural ecosystem and to produce inter-spatial, inter-communal and inter-disciplinary artistic interlacements for a porous artistic expression. FeqîFest is the dream of a festival where the voices of all the diverse identities of human history intermingle with living and non-living voices of the earth. Through the words of Feqî written on the water, rolling into the poetic flow of coexistence, the festival strives to shake given meanings of the clichés. While the loss interfolds with the presence, only the artistic expression bodies forth the meshwork hidden in the spot. Down from Fiskaya to the Hevsel Gardens, a telluric voice roams the city spot by spot to spread the word farthest. Dare to hear it then it will tell you.

“In this crone world, you move from spot to spot

You neither sleep nor do you ever come to a halt

In all honesty, you are the very image of my heart

You suffer and agonize, you are deep in misery”

Cover image: Detail from Fewzî Bîlge’s drawing

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