Phase 1
The hub implemented a broad set of activities ranging between cultural events such as cinema evenings with talks, pecha kucha and poetry slams combined with acoustic concerts and a series of open talks and lectures around relevant topics such as urban commons and critical thinking. Uzina and Tek Bunkeri also implemented a set of weekly creative crafts and zero waste workshops targeting disadvantaged youth and young professionals, while Destil and its GurGur platform launched a young creative program for several disciplines, awarding students with workshops and material funding to realise their works.
* “Filiza” means seedling or cutting in Albanian. As all partners lost their previous cultural spaces in the last years, and with these happenings, their audiences a space to meet, interact and co-create, the name fits perfect to the collaborative restart of culture and open community spaces in Tirana.
*Participated only in Phase 1
*Participated only in Phase 1
Phase 2
Concrete Contract
in collaboration with Athens and Diyarbakır I hubs
The sea is history.
The unity is submarine.
“Concrete Contract” is a collaboration project between Diyarbakır, Athens and Tirana hubs, trying to build an artistic relational context across places, people and their related aspirations about the concrete and concretisation of their surroundings. Looking at different sorts of nation-building processes, the making of places of belonging and identities, and the neoliberal global capitalism that both enforce and challenge the former two, the project searches for artistic and collaborative variations and mutations of the literary and visual representations of the concrete to challenge the multidirectional and all-encompassing material groundedness of the concrete and its homogenizing effects in our shared and identical spaces. Inspired by Caribbean writers, challenging the colonial history and looking for ways of reclaiming the land and the identity in its all multiplicity, the project title looks for different sorts of alignments of joy and care through artistic expression, between different histories, spaces, people, objects and discourses, challenging an imagined giant concrete construction. Opposing the “national” contracts written on the peoples of different pasts, the concrete contract works to find out what kind of multiplicities lie beneath the homogenised concrete surface, looking for creative archaeologies and shaking the ground of foundations of all kinds, handing in irony and improvisation. It’s a contract to look for ways of relations to enjoy the submarine.