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Celebrating Feminist Printmaking

Printmaking is a unique art form that combines physical effort with political expression, symbolising the act of applying pressure to create meaningful change. This concept took center stage in this recent workshop led by artist Yili Rojas, a Berlin-based artist and feminist activist.During the workshop participants were introduced to the intricate techniques of linoleum engraving and printing. The workshop drew inspiration from the Kurdish symbol of Şahmaran—a mythical being that is half-snake and half-woman. This dual-headed figure, adorned with crowns on each head and a human female face on one end, served as a profound muse for exploring the intersections of feminism, mythology, and the symbolism of snakes. Throughout the day, participants delved into creative expression while engaging in thoughtful discussions about feminist themes. Guided by the story of Şahmaran, they reflected on the symbolic power of snakes and their association with transformation, resilience, and strength. The linocut prints created during the workshop captured these ideas, becoming vibrant visual representations of feminist ideals. It was a day filled not only with artistic exploration but also with the forging of connections between art, identity, and activism. The resulting prints stood as powerful testaments to the ability of art to inspire dialogue and challenge societal norms.

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